
Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Rav of the Shul being thrown out by NYC Marshals - Chaptzem Exclusive

The owner of the building on 51st Street between 13th and New Utrecht Avenues evicted the Rav and his Shul from the building.

what? when? where? why?




Nobody could have stopped this, without alot of money.
But HaRav Dovid Gross is one of a kind and his bais medrash on 51 street will be missed.
Yasher Koach Reb Dovid.
He tried as hard as he could to keep it open. And he welcomed every yid that wandered in the door as long as he could keep the door open.


Could you fill us in on the details?


The rav is trying to get his sforim out of the shul.
The owner of the building (a sonei yisroel frei yid that was once a haimish cheder yingle) won't let him in.




The shul is on 51st between 13 and new utrecht (not 14th).

the address is 1270 51 street


Why is it when anything happens in BP, the picture shows so many men standing around gawking. Even minor incidents like fender benders seem to attract a crowd of men (why is it always men?) standing around mouths agape like they have nothing else to do.


Let me Guess....He didn't pay the rent and expects to be treated as if he did. I'm not saying thats the case but why else would they have to be evicted?


The owner is no Frei Yid. He is a heimishe erlciher yingerman who hasnt been paid rent for years by this 'so called' choshiver tzadik. NYC Marshalls do not evict ppl from their homes for nothing. A Court must approve it and considering the fact that the Housing Court Judges in NY are very pro tenant, it is quite obvious that the tenant in this case was wrong.


If I get it right, Holmeen is on 51 between 13th and New Utrecht Avenues (not between 13 & 14) and next to RiteAid (not PathMark) and That is what I believe I'm seeing on the pictures (the subway tracks and G&G plaza).


once a hamish cheder yingel who probably got crapped on his yingle life .if it a privat house i think they can do what they want. an then again i dont know the whole story. i dont think this happend over night.i wish the rabbi good luck.


Landlord is a heimisha guy lives on 48th st 12 & 13. we dont know what hgappened so the best thing is to keep our mouths shut and hands open ready to help.


as wtih everyhting ther are 2 sides to every story. one should find out all the facts before making comments


as someone who is REALLY in the know let me just set some facts straight- 1. the owner is an ehrliche yid who did everything with reshus bais din 2.gross was there as a favor and never paid rent or even gas & electric etc. 3. the building dept. has ruled that its illegal & unsafe to occupy the building 4. gross has been harrassing the owner and his family since he told him he will have to move out inc. false police reports IT WOULD DO EVERYONE GOOD TO FIND OUT THE STORY AND IF YOU DON'T KNOW JUST SHUT UP! (especially anon @ 6:44)


i dont know what happened here but gross stole money from people in israel and thats why he lives in boro park now


the landlord is married to a shvartza and isnt keeping kosher at all.




I don't know exactly what happened in the story here but as someone DEEP DEEP in the know, the owner is a Haimisher Baalebos which played around alot when he was a bochur and has just lost a court case in which he has to pay a coupla mil to Hillary Clinton in child support for a child which even Hillary won't publicly acknowledge is hers, which is also why Hillary is a sonei yisroel all because of this mamzzer heimisher baalabos which now because he needs the money has decided to throw out the rav and his shul. Incidentally the Baalabos and the Rav used to own a controlling stake in the onstruction bank of china in join partnership, but I'll leave it to the next guy to come along who is also deep deep in the know to provide the details.


So from all the long-nosed deep in the something experts, the Landlord is an "Off the derech yingel who is also a Heimisher yungerman, and married to a schvartze, and loves treife pepperroni", while the said Rabbi is an "incredible tzaddik, who, while helping everyone that walks by, still never is able to make a full minyan in the middle of Boro Park, to which he relocated from Israel after stealing tons of money there". So far, between the landlord and the tenant, it looks like a perfect pair of mechuttanim. The only consideration is the shvartze machteniste, who may not wish to be in the family of such a "financially astute tzaddik".
Anyone has the real facts?

Oh, by the way, the reason they are all gawking IS NOT because nobody is ever working, that's only a side issue. They simply have never seen a Heimisher Yungerman taking a walk with his Shvartze Rebbetzin on their block. Can you blame them? The fact that they do nothign all day long and have time on their hands only helps gather the crowd, that's all.


That was a bad attempt at humor. Try again next time, and please, somewhere else. Don't burden us with such gibberish!


listen up rather he is a sheigz or a sona yisroal or married a shvartza or if he is a tzadik. its very simple you dont pay your rent you fly outta there it dosent matter what the landlords status is
"no money no honey sweety"


Hilarious. I pished my pants laughing. you should consider writing for something (not a Jewish mag, you're to good for them)


The so called "rabbi", Dovid Gross ran away from Israel because he was about to be arrested for stealing from pple. He was evicted because the building was found to be unsafe for occupancy and is gonna be knocked down. And since he got the eviction notice he made the landlord's life (who is an erliche yid) a living nightmare including getting him arrested falsely for assault. And that is the true story.


Is it the Reb or the landlord who is married to black lady? Are you serious? Now there's something you don't see everyday. Someone should make a reality TV program about it all. Probably would be very interesting!


Men standing around gawking? I don't see any men standing around gawking in those pictures. Isn't that the Williamsburg bus stop?


@ Anon 2:24 PM

Of course, neither is married to a shwartze. I made it up. Thought it was funny. Shouldn't have done it, it was not right. I herewith want to apologize to the landlord for this bad talking (treife).


You guys a riot. I haven't laughed this hard in years. Maybe you should write for the Jewish Press. They usually get the 'facts' straight too.


I do not not understand I live in Monsey we have DARK SKINED {schwatza} yiden anything wrong? We are all grand children from our grandfather NOACH would you peaple of BORO PARK STOP BEING RACIST. Is this schwatza maybe only a PEALEGESH? LIVE IN MAID?


I will tell you a story. I was invited by a Heimishe, Chassidishe yingerman, who was my chevrusa at the time, to his home to learn a little after davening on a Sunday 5 years ago.

He phoned ahead to tell his rebbitzen that we were coming.

We got to the door, and it was opened by his rebbitzen, who was black as the ace of spades.

But... she wore thick seamed stocking, a shpitz & teechel, and was dressed as tzniusdik as any Willi or KJ woman.

I was guilty of staring, and was shocked that my chevrusa forgot to tell me he was married to a shvartze! But, that was my own bad.

The next day, I mentioned this to a few friends, telling them how embarrassed I was that I did not keep the shock off my face.

I then found out that she is VERY respected by all, who consider her a very very frum, ehrlicher woman, a baalas chesed, and a woman their wives look up to! I felt like a moron.

I learned my lesson. I have since met other dark completed people who, now that I look at them with open eyes, I see are normal people.

Why have so many of use become such racist bigots?

I am sure we can find reasons for our racism, but it is time to face the fact that racism is not right.

I remember walking down 14th Av with my father on Shabbos when I was just a year before bar mitzvah. He stopped a moment to fix his shtreimel in the wind, and I noticed a black man across the street. I made a typically stupid racist remark of the time.

My father A'H pulled me aside and told me he was ashamed that I would say anything like that about any human created by Hashem, and that they were no different than white people, except the color of their skin, and that they were created b'tzelem Eloikim just as we are.

I was too young and stupid to really listen at the time.

I was wrong.... He was right.


I'll tell you exactly what happened. This tenant basically had not been paying for more than a half a year and has been illegally subletting the apartment to another person. The owner of the builder along with this son had been going to Landlord Tenant Court to get these guys out for a long time. They finally got him out legally but this guy barricaded himself inside and refused to leave. The free ride is over for him. Let him get a job and actually pay some rent.


I think chaptzem may actually be onto something big over here. Instead of posting news articles about the yingerman watching the other yingerman drive his car through some other yingermans house while yet another yingerman was cooking food in the kitchen for the yingerman which wasn't feeling well, he can start posting "juicy" stories and leave it for the readership to "squeeze the juice." I think chaptzem may yet start a new worldwide trend - websites were we make the news instead of reading it.


I laughed 'til I cried. Too funny.


בעז"ה מיר האלטן אינמיטן א ירחון וואס וועט זיין באשריבן אי"ה די גאנצע באשרייבונג פונעם בית המדרשץ
אנגעהויבן פונעם גרינדונג פאר 70 יאר צוריק, און אזוי ווייטער פאר 58 יאר צוריק בשנת תש"י לפ"ק ווען הגה"ק מסקווירא רבי יעקב יוסף זי"ע האט אנגעפירט דעם בית המדרש און עס האט זיך דאן גערופן "די סקווירא קלויז".
ווען הרב החסיד ר' שאול יחזקאל גרינפעלד ז"ל א אייניקל פון ר' שאול ליטשיגער זי"ע האט אפגעקויפט דעם בית המדרש, און ער האט אנגעפירט דארט א וותיקין מנין אסאך יאהרן.
ביז דער וותיקין מנין איז אוועקגעגאנגען און ער איז געבליבן אן א מנין, האט ער געבעטן הגה"צ המפורסם גאב"ד האלמין שליט"א, אז ער זאל ווערן רב אין בית המדרש און אנפירן מיט אלע צרכי בית המדרש, און ער וועט אלעס אויסהאלטן, אז האלמינער רב זאל האבן פרנסה און ער וועט אים אויסהאלטן.
און ער האט אפגעשריבן אין זיין צוואה אז אזוי ווי ער האט נישט קיין קינדער, זאל דאס בית המדרש זיין זיין קינד, און נאך 120 יאהר זאל גיין צו זיין זכות דאס תורה ותפלה און אמן וכו' פון דעם בית המדרש.
און דאס בית המדרש בלייבט אויף אייביג פאר האלמינער רב, און ער זאל דאס אנפירן לעולם ועד.
אויך האט ער געזאגט פאר צענדליגע עדות, אז ער האט אוועקגעגעבן דאס בית המדרש פאר האלמינער רב, און אויך האט ער געוואלט אז נאך 120 יאר זאלן אלע רווחים פון זיין גרויסן דעפארטמענט הויז וואס איז ווערט קרוב צו 10 מיליאן דאללער, זאלן זיצן 10 יונגעלייט יומם ולילה און די רווחים פונעם בנין זאלן גיין פאר די כולל אינגעלייט.
המשך יבוא!!!


could some one tell me the good side of Reb Dovid Gross?


Anonymous on October 24th;

I have never seen a bad side of Dovid Gross, only good.
So; what's your point?


me hu zeh veizh hu asehr mekuoh libo lasoys kan....


The behavior is some of you is completely atrocious. You think that it's ok to use racial slurs ("shvartza"...and don't bother to claim that it's not a slur) and imply that the most slanderous and horrible thing that can be said about a person is that he's married to a black person. Learning these Yiddish racial slurs today and doing a Google search, my eyes have truly been opened by all that I've read, particularly after I saw this Jewish site (http://www.crownheights.info/index.php?itemid=2250) that calls for the mass slaughter of black people.


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