
Monday, July 23, 2007

A Touro College degree

JUST BECAUSE THERE ARE A FEW PEOPLE OUT THERE THAT LIE AND CHEAT AND ARE FAKE DOCTOR ASSISTANTS IT DOESN'T MEAN THEY ALL ARE!!! They are plenty of people who went to that college and worked there ... off and paid a lot of money to do what they do, and now are getting smeared by idiots like you who like spreading loshon hora for no reason! Is there a reason behinh making that cartoon. All your saying is, "Don't go to those people who worked hard because of a few ifiots." THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not bad at all :-)


Real funny...NOT!

Touro College has done so much for the Jewish community. Unfortunately, there are always rotten apples.

Do you have a degree, Mr. C ? Probably not, but if you did, it would only be from Touro where they encourage "Yingermen" to get a decent education.

Let's see you post this comment..


So True, So True!!


skell a. ton- I am sure he did not create that cartoon, but just posted it. I myself did not go to touro, but I could see why it would really bother you (I'm assuming you went there). I would not be concerned about that cartoon being posted on this site. The cartoons like this and others have been posted in major publications with millions of readers, that if anything should concern you.


It must have been a Latino Doc, since that is who made the scandals. Next time go to Jewish Touro Grad, but even he won't cure Tzoraas, if you get my drift.


Jake, if you are posting in English, stick to it, likewise let Yiddish sound like Yiddish. Although I agree with your comment, the plural of Yungerman is YoungerLEIT, not "men". Please don't sound like someone from DA hood.


Oh, please, please forgive me for butchering your holy Mama Lushen! Oy! I'm going straight to Yiddishe Gehennom!


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