
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dov Hikind’s political illusion – Blame the victim, deflect the blame from yourself

If you’ve watched Dov Hikind’s press conference on the four-year-old girl’s assault in Boro-Park you’ve seen one of the best pieces of political slight-of-hand performed lately. Once again, before any facts have surfaced a Boro-Park politician, that is very unBoro-Park-like, has gone on a rampage to throw blame on the victim and their family, rather than look at his own job record. Dov Hikind, who, for all means and purposes, does not represent the Boro-Park people or their culture, or even understand them or like them for that matter, has tried one of the oldest political tactics in the book. Dov went in front of the television cameras and, instead of saying in a humble voice “There is a safety problem in Boro-Park and I will do my best to help fix it.”, he rather decided to misdirect the focus and cast all the blame on the mother of this little girl. Dov Hikind hopes that by blaming the mother everyone will forget to ask why the Police are not doing their job of protecting the community and why our politicians aren’t demanding that they do. Dov Hikind will run again for office soon and once again he will run only against Dov Hikind. Now, who does that say more about, us as a community, or him?

Not for nothing but there should be some blame put on the parents. I work in Boro Park and it is very common to watch the 10 year old child look over the 7 and 4 year old children. If you're not capable of watching your children stop having so many! "Be fruitful and multiply"...only if you have the means to!


Its evident that you have a vendetta against DH, well I do not, I find that he represents me and many others in Boro Park. Can not understand what your problem is, except that his speech was inappropriate for the incident?


Why does a Chassidishe and Litvishe community elect a Dati Leumi- Modern "Orthodox" Kahane-wacko to office? Why can't they elect a Heimishe Yingerman instead of a Hafifnik who lives in BP for the convenience of it?


its about time someone stands up to him and challenge him.If you dear do it on his radio show he just hangs up on you,he cant face critisism and is very ignorant.


It definitely says more about us! If we allow him another term, we are allowing ourselves to be gullibly blindfolded each and every local election. The Chutzpah of Dov backing Noach Dear! What Dov says goes. Either Rabbi K gets instructions from him, or they decide together, and it's final!


I wonder what would Dov Hikind do if it were his own daughter??

In borough Park or anywhere in the NY parents need to be responsible for their kids running in the street NOT BEING ABDUCTED FROM THE FRONT STEPS OF THEIR HOME!!!!



With all the deals he's been making, and the new DEAR DEAR DEAR Deal, he and his kids can afford full time staff to look after the grandkids and great grand kids 24/7.
Er Lacht Inz Alleh Ois!


Hikind is right and this just proves it. Four year old children shouldn't be left outside without supervision by either an adult or an older responsible child. I didn't see him blame the parents. They weren't the cause of this but they are somewhat negligent. As for the police protecting us from perverts, it will not happened; not now, not ever. The police can't be everywhere, with every child, all of the time. Blame the pervert that did this and the politicians that we elect for for making it easy for perverts to walk the streets. Odds are that this pervert has done this before, and odds are that he has previously been "through the system" and released. It happens again and again and will unfortunately continue happen as long as we elect liberal politicians that are soft on crime, some from our own community - and I don't mean Dov Hikind. G-d protect us all.


nu, so posts have to agree with your chutzpah or its no go!


Anybody know where Dov Hikind lives or what shul he davens in?


Dov Hikind represents himself only, and does almost nothing for the community he claims to represent.

He is camera hungry, and his attack on the parents is nothing short of a chilul hashem. The parents did what many parents do daily in boro park. We are not talking about a mother that leaves a carriage in front of a store while they run in. We are talking about playing in front of the house with an older sibling, and a block full of children.


children should not be outside without the supervision of an adult. All it takes is one second and an evil person - to take advantage of the situation. The police can't watch every block and every child all the time. When will "our neighborhood" learn this lesson? What will it take? Hopefully, not more than this.


I don't know Dov Hikind and I don't live in Boro Park.But I do know that he is 100% right.
4 year old kids should not be out on the street without parental supervision.


maybe we should put in jail all victems and release all criminals?


thums up chaptzem!!!


does he say we should lock up all victems and release all criminals?


Come to think of it - this is a very true point. How do the likes of Dov Hikind represent Boro Parkers? His zionistic form of dress and modern hashkufeh are very far from what we strive to be. Why in the world is he our representation??? I think it's time for a wake up call. Dov has got to go!


mr hikind!
please say this next time when you run for re-election. that all victems should be locked up, and all criminals should be released.


......"His zionistic form of dress and modern hashkufeh are very far from what we strive to be. "....

Oh my dear! I didn't know Zionists have a form of dress. Maybe if you anti-Zionists stop blaming the world's ill on Zionism , Moshiach will come and you won't have to fast tonight.

Hashkofah is either false or true. "Modern" has nothing to do with it. AND... there are many valid hashkofos as there are opinions and meforshei hatorah. You're a bit narrow-minded , me thinks.


I remember reading a caricature in the newspaper when i was I child. I believe it was the Daily ZNews.
In the first frame, the foreman of the jury announces that even though the defendant confessed to the crime,it is not he who is guilty but rather the community.

In the second frame, the judge bangs his gavel and says "I sentence the jury to 5 years"


I don’t think he was blaming the parents. I think if you would listen to the whole interview you would say the same thing. He was just pointing out that kids need to be watched over properly and at all times. But after all, all that is needed is for the parent to look away for 2 seconds. How many times have we heard stories in the news that kids were abducted right in front of an adult and nobody saw anything or was able to do anything? Yes, we need to be careful and make sure that the kids are watched over properly at all times but we also need great Siyata Dishmaya every second of life. IT IS THE PERPTRATER FAULT PERIOD and not the victim.

As for him representing our community, I think he is doing a great job. How many Heimishe Yingerleit have you seen running for office? After all Simcha Felder is from the community but quite a few people don’t like him and say that he is not doing anything either.


dov hikind lives in flatbush. i respect his right for privacy so i won't post his address. he davens at the avenue n jewish center & lives a couple blocks away


If you want to find out where he lives you can start on the lower streets of Ave. L



Whatever that means.
Halevei the ten out of the twelve
meraglim were Zionists like their colleagues Colev and Yehoshua. We wouldn't have a B'CHIYA L"DOROS on Tisha B'av for two thousand years..


SINAS CHINOM...Remember why the Churbon happened


anon 11:43 what is zionist dress, what they wear in Zion on tisha bav?


Very interesting comments...First Time reader/poster. Yes, you're right in some ways but before you dump "The Dov", ask how many $$ he's brought to his community & whether things get done with him in charge.

DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME!! I have met with him, spoken on panels with him, & I think he has an interesting (!) personality, and I disagree with him on many issues. His Hashkafo is his business. Ask just this: Does he do a good job?




Hikind prepared his noose with the Dear deal, and now this blame game.

Can someone please clarify who took care of Hikind's children, when his wife was working? Guaranteed the victim's mother was more reliable.

His wife didn't have to work.



Does he do a good job? He he.

Sure of making money, by deals, like getting Noach Dear? a judgeship and seeing to it that no one runs against him, when there are many in the community that are much more deserving.

He executed his own downfall with that one.




Why do we vote for Hikind? Very simple. Come election time the Rabbis of the "Organizations" will send out Tzetlach, and URGE us to vote for Hikind and "$his$" people, warning us of the importance!


Long live the Kahanenik, an individual who spoke the truth and predicted every event that has occured the last 15 yrs.


If you do not want to vote for HIKIND, then who cares what the Jewish organizations have to say. You sound like a robot, by the way "there's roof 4 floors up that the THEYS want you to jump from". Good luck!


Kahane would have never backed Dear for judge. He was way too honest. He'd be embarassed of Dov the Dealmaker Hikind these days.


What Hikind said is beyond ridiculous. I DID see the whole interview and it was blatantly obvious that he WAS blaming the parents. How much agmas nefesh must this poor mom go through, doesnt he think she blames herself anyway!! What a chauvinist pig, I feel sorry for his wife..Im sure when things go wrong in the HIKIND house, he blames HER...


There are alot of Gullible Goons that will do whatever the $organizations$ say. We know we live in Gullible Goonland if Hikind can back Dear and then spit on our faces by blaming innocents, and not get impeached.


Dovi, I think it's time for YOU to jump, at least off the politics bandwagon, because lots of THEYS want that to happen real fast.


Perhaps it's time for Mr. Hikind to get a thorough physical and emotional checkup.


About Hikind 'not even understanding us' Hikind is from the same backround as many in Boro Park, his parents went through Auschwitz, he went to the Belzer cheider on the Lower East Side and Torah Vodaas, he speaks fluent Yiddish.
It's everyones choice to vote for him or not, this is a free country.

I personally like Simcha Felders lower key style.
About the attack:Where is everyones seichel?Do you think little kids should play unsupervised???vee iz der saychel?He is 100% right!


If you look at the Jewish population growth in Boro Park and in Flatbush there have been many good things within the frum communities that HIKIND has accomplished. The ultra-orthodox have moved into both neighborhoods because of the many legal things that HIKIND has accomplished. Life has been made much easier for the religious jew because of HIKIND being a political advocate, even with his MODERN DRESS. I don't see any CHASIDS doing what he has accomplished through out the years. Yes he is vocal and out there, that's why he has accomplished many things that has made our lives as FRUM JEWS comfortable. You all forget that we are in GULUS, don't ZINDIG.

Things happen in our community as they do in any community. We just try to cover it up. Which is wrong. Perverts need to be exposed and locked up and treated as any other in this world. Perverts never change their stripes. They have a disease that is incurable and the Rabbi's cover it up. These perverts come back time and time again. We as a community are doing a grave injustce by allowing this to happen.

I'm saddened that HIKIND chose to back DEAR for the CIVIL COURT JUDGE position. Especially, since they never saw eye to eye on anything. Dear barters with people to get what he wants and is willing to destroy others to get what he wants. DEAR is EVIL. DEAR will destroy anything or anyone he dislikes or disagrees with, ask his brothers. They fear for themselves. No one crosses NOACH DEAR. We need to make sure he does not get that appointment.

Fellow writers, what is it that we can do to make sure DEAR IS A LOSER as he had been in the past elections?!?!?!

So, whose getting up to do the good work that HIKIND is usually known for. You guys only know how to mouth off. Put your money where your mouth is.


The day that Hikind gets up and ADMITS he made a mistake by backing Dear for Judge is the day we can again have faith in his judgement.

Will he EVER do that? I don't think so. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Does he deserve our confidence?


Put your money where your mouth is?

Sad that Hikind has put his mouth where his (source of) money is. With $Dear$.


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