
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

R' Mordche Dovid Unger's Parking lot

We would like to inform all Mispallilim that daven in the Temple of our beloved leader M.D. Unger the son of his great and holy father Yakov Itche Unger Z'L that we have provided you with a big parking lot that has plenty of room for our cars and our Budget trucks, we just do not know how long the parking lot will be in use, since we plan to make a Bais Hachaim there in the near future, since the Bobover Chasidim do not want to let us be buried anymore in the Bais Hachaim in New Jersey, so we plan to make our parking lot into a Bais Hachaim..We hope that there will be eneough room for all of us there...


It is a beautiful large parking lot, let everybody in Boro Park see how big it is and how big we are, as an experienced photographer as was seen this week in Beis Din, I have taken many pictures and it will be in our Picture Book Volume II that will be given out next year on Yid Beis Adar...


Why don't you post a picture of R' Bentzion Halberstam's Shul on 48th St.

You just posted the picture so peopke will fight over the politics.


When they get a ticket for dirt from the Sanitation everyone will scream Anti Semites.


Folks, when are they starting to build? Will they throw down the Bais Yaakov building as well, if and when they build?


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