
Friday, September 29, 2006

Chaptzem! Exclusive - Missionaries chased out of Uman

Missionaries are chased out of Uman after distributing missionary literature in Uman on Motzei Yom Tov. Chased by a mob they ran through the streets of Uman receiving kicks and blows on the way. They called on the police to help them which did but they quickly melted back into the crowd allowing the missionaries to get bloodied up and their belongings destroyed. Finally they stepped in and rescued the pair from the crowds and escorted them out of Uman.
Incidentally, the Ukrainian Police tried to confiscate the camera. Only once they, mistakenly, believed the pictures had been deleted did they agree not to take the camera away.

How can people look at these smiling Ukranian police, it evokes awful national memories. Have we forgotten.


To the last 11:58 comment: You sound like the "Shturmer" with your disgusting Anti-Semitic post. YES, "ANTI-SEMITIC". Yoy should be ashamed of yourself. If you are Jewish (which I doubt) you should ask Mechila from all this people who go to Uman for the disgusting words you used on them. SHAME ON YOU, I wonder how the non-Jewish world looks at YOU...


its a picture, how do you know how they smell...


They are not dirty. They are Sefardim just like many of our Gedolim were. I wonder what the like of you will do if Mashiach is Sefardi. I guess you'll stay in the USA


my father and brother went to uman.they had full kavana, and unless you went to uman, how would you know not? we come from a family of pure chasidish ancestry. again, you are picking out the bad, if any, and showering it upon the people. and so, the day before yom kippur, watch your words!


don't bother debating 11:58 this person is sick and an irrational hater (unfortunately one of ours).


To Bigot Hater..I am post from 11:58.. sorry to upset you, I just want to bring out the point that most of the people that came to Uman do not bathe regulary or use underarm deoederant and smell like rotten fish..yes there were some well dressed ,good smelling, and bathed people there, I wish all the people that came there were like them , then it would have been so beautiful and such a Kiddush Hashem..I wish all of Klal Yisroel a ''Gmar Chasima Tova''(even the smelly ones)


Is that what Nachman would have wanted from you? By the way, "SNAGS" are much more greasy then chassidisher.
Anyway, next year we shuold all come to Boro Park where everything os nice and clean, or Williamsburgh
where everyone is showered and dressed nicely.


i was in uman and i was standing there when it happend. no one was bloody


I was in uman and i was at that scene and it was wild,anywho for that 11:58 loser that guy u called a slob is actually an extremly chushive guy,he lost both of his parents and u probably owe him mechila but u probably dont care cause ur just too cool.Its people like you that destroyed the Bais Hamikdash.and even if you make believe that ur frum ,ul be destined for failure because u judge poeple for the way they look.but who am i to tell you?oh im just another smelly slob that went to uman.


i like to tell you that if there is

sinas chinam then forget about that uman will help you in too many way's


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